• Seeking a job? We help professionals find contracts and full-time positions.

    Our business model depends on helping you achieve your goals. Browse our candidate resources, available positions, and stay in touch to be matched with new opportunities.

  • Looking to hire? Our extensive talent pool makes it easy for us to meet your needs.

    Our Workforce Development Program prioritizes quality, reliability, and simplicity for a hassle-free employment process that improves your business's bottom line.

The Avicrew Way

At Avicrew Management, we aim to change how pilots, AMEs, technicians, and air operators interact and make the application and hiring process as simple, hassle-free, and rewarding as possible.

Because many of the leaders in aviation work exclusively with recruitment agencies, pilots, AME's and technicians looking for work miss fantastic opportunities.

We lift the curtain to match skilled pilots and mechanics with the best aviation opportunities out there, helping the aviation industry skyrocket to success.


NEI Flightline Training Logo
Alliance Maintenance Service Logo


Chrono Aviation Logo
Wasaya Airways Logo
Pacific Coastal Airlines Logo
Perimeter Aviation Logo
Irving Logo
WAAS Aerospace Logo


After spending months and years earning the licenses and hours necessary to become...
Avicrew Management Inc., a Canadian aviation recruitment agency specializing in pilot... 

What people are saying.

“Very good - good support .”

— Xavier, Challenger 605 First Officer

“Very honest and generous company. They found me a very nice maintenance contract with a good company and good coworkers. The best contract I’ve had in 10 years.”

— Steve, AME-M2 Contractor

“Excellent company and experience. Highly recommended. Would recommend to others.”

— Andrew, King Air Captain

Let’s Work Together

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us